As an international EQA provider, Bio-Rad determines the acceptable performance of a laboratory participating in their EQAS® Program. Performance of each reported test result is based on a statistical comparison to a robust mean and standard deviation. The use of robust statistics based on ISO 13528 and assessment against a consensus group mean are widely accepted practices used in many ISO 17043 accredited programs.
Globally, a number of regulatory bodies and scientific organizations have independently determined acceptable performance criteria(quality specifications)for a number of key laboratory tests.These are based on Biological Variation, regulatory or scientific recommendations.
In the new EQAS® Quality Specification Report, a laboratory may assess their EQA test performance based on the quality specification of their choice. Performance in this report is based on the percent deviation of the reported test result. This value-added report is only available through EQAS® Online. A laboratory may generate their EQAS® Quality Specification Report for each sample reported on. It does not replace the EQAS® Sample Report.
Bio-Rad will initially offer Biological Variation (BV) limits (minimal, desirable and optimal), CLIA proficiency limits, RiliBÄK, RCPA, QMP-LS and GOST criteria for acceptable analytical performance in the EQAS® Quality Specification Report. Additional performance criteria (quality specifications) and guidelines will follow.
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