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Missing points in a Lot.
If every test in a control/lot is missing data, there is most likely some issue with the configuration in the Transformer (TM or SC). The following are tips to assist in finding and correcting the misconfiguration.
Locate the lot in the Transformer:
- Open the Transformer (the icon on the desktop looks like a lightning bolt or a green circle with white SC).
- Click on the configure button. (if it is grayed out, try clicking the “Stop” button first). You will be asked to type in your QC OnCall password.
- Click on the “Lots” tab at the top.
- Each column is sort able (alpha-numerically) by clicking on the column title. For instance, click on “Control Name” to sort that column. Try sorting the columns until you locate all the instances of the problem lot.
Correct the configuration:
- Verify the control names match the lot number. Many lots numbers appear similar. For example, be sure 51220 is not configured as 52210.
- Make sure every instance of the lot is enabled with a check mark. Many times a typo is made when entering the control on the analyzer or in the LIS. The data will come over with the bad control name but it can still be forced into the correct lot number in QC OnCall.
- You may need to open the datafile and verify that the lot is in it. Once you find the file, open it with notepad (windows may not recognize the file, but it will let you select notepad from a list) and search for the lot. Ctrl + F will help you search through the file. If you find the control, verify that the name/number matches the Transformer’s configuration exactly.

Missing points in a Level:
If you are missing points for any level in a particular, but at least one level does have data, there is a problem with the configuration in the Transformer (TM or SC). The following are tips to assist in finding and correcting the misconfiguration.
Locate the lot in the Transformer:
- Open the Transformer (the icon on the desktop looks like a lightning bolt or a green circle with white SC).
- Click on the configure button. (if it is greyed out, try clicking the “Stop” button first). You will be asked to type in your QC OnCall password.
- Click on the “Lots” tab at the top.
- Each column is sort able (alpha-numerically) by clicking on the column title. For instance, click on “Control Name” to sort that column. Try sorting the columns until you locate all the instances of the problem lot.
Correct the configuration:
- Verify that each instance of the control has the correct level configured.
- It may be that the level is not checked as enabled.
- You may need to open the datafile and verify that the lot is in present. Once you find the file, open it with notepad (windows may not recognize the file, but it will let you select notepad from a list) and search for the lot. Ctrl + F will help you search through the file. If you find the control, verify that the name/number matches the Transformer’s configuration exactly.

Missing points in a Test.
If the entire test is missing data, there is most likely some issue with the configuration in the Transformer (TM or SC). The following are tips to assist in finding and correcting the misconfiguration.
Locate the Test in the Transformer:
- Open the Transformer (the icon on the desktop looks like a lightning bolt or a green circle with white SC).
- Click on the configure button. (if it is grayed out, try clicking the “Stop” button first). You will be asked to type in your QC OnCall password.
- Click on the “Tests” tab at the top.
- Each column is sort able (alpha-numerically) by clicking on the column title. For instance, click on “Local Test Code” to sort that column. Try sorting the columns until you locate the problem Test.
Correct the configuration:
- Verify that the Test is checked “Enabled” in the farthest right box in the row.
- Verify that the Bio-Rad Analyte matches the “Local Test Code”.
- Make sure the details (units, temp, reagent, etc…) of the Test are the same as is setup in QC OnCall.
- You may need to open the datafile and verify that the test is in it. Once you find the file, open it with notepad (windows may not recognize the file, but it will let you select notepad from a list) and search for the lot. Ctrl + F will help you search through the file. If you find the test, verify that the acronym matches the Transformer’s “Local Test Code” exactly.

Missing points for the entire Lab.
If the entire Lab is missing data, there is either a problem with before or after the Transformer. To figure out which, go through the following steps.
Check the Transformed file:
- Process the data through the Transformer like you normally would.
- Go to Options > Select Output Path
- This is where the Transformer puts the file that it just created. Highlight the path and press CTRL + C to copy it.
- In Windows, go to “Start” > Run
- Click in the “Open” field (delete anything that is already there). Press CTRL + V to paste the path into the open field. Click “Ok”.
- You should see the recently transformed file in the window, Double click on it to open it (Windows may not recognize the file, but it will let you select notepad from a list).
- You will see something similar to the following:
- The bold |0087| is the instrument code. You can lookup the code for your instrument by searching through the ICODES.UPC code list file located in C:\Program Files\Bio-Rad Laboratories\QC OnCall\codelist
- In the transformed file, search for your test code. Ctrl + F will help you search through the file. If you find it, you can assume everything you did before using the Import tool (creating the datafile and transforming it) was successful.
If you do not find it, continue on…
Locate the Lab in the Transformer:
- Open the Transformer (the icon on the desktop looks like a lightning bolt or a green circle with white SC).
- Click on the configure button. (if it is grayed out, try clicking the “Stop” button first). You will be asked to type in your QC OnCall password.
- Click on the “Instruments” tab at the top.
- Each column is sort able (alpha-numerically) by clicking on the column title. For instance, click on “Local Instrument Code” to sort that column.
Correct the configuration:
- Make sure each instrument associated with the Lab is setup with the correct Lab number.
- You may need to open the datafile and verify that the data for this lab number is in it. Once you find the file, open it with notepad (Windows may not recognize the file, but it will let you select notepad from a list) and search for the lot. Ctrl + F will help you search through the file. If you find the control, verify that the name/number matches the Transformer’s configuration exactly. Since the lab number is closely associated with instruments, make sure there is data for those instruments.